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Intelligent handling solutions for the Italian food industry
  • Customer Situation + Solution

Guozi's intelligent warehousing and handling solution implemented a point-to-point handling task assignment system to the REX robot based on the customer's upper-level business system (WMS). After completing the task, the robot actively gives the completion signal to the upper-level business system, forming a closed-loop task system. In response to the characteristics of multiple food types and complex production processes in food production warehouses, dynamic inventory management and dynamic route planning were innovatively used in software development to make warehousing and handling more intelligent and to effectively address complex scenarios.

  • Project Benefits

Brings flexible, intelligent, and efficient intelligent warehousing logistics to customers

All used products and systems have passed CE certification, ensuring safety and reliability

Replaces manual labor and helps upgrade the traditional operating model of the food industry

The overall product output is 2-3 times that of traditional food industry, and operating efficiency is increased by 80%.

  • Food

Products Used: Ants A3 AGV and Slim StackingAGV (Nearly 100 units)

Location: Italy

GZ food and beverage industry intelligent logistics solutions
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